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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  April 18, 2013 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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thanks, chris. manhunt. breaking news in the boston terror attacks. here's what we know right now. the fbi has released surveillance photos of two men they call suspects in the bombings. both are carrying backpacks. suspect number one is seen wearing a black hat, suspect number two is wearing a white hat. the fbi says he's the one seen on video leaving a bag at the site of the second explosion. the fbi warned that these suspects are extremely dangerous individuals. >> we consider them to be armed and extremely dangerous. no one should approach them except law enforcement.
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>> these suspects are at large and dangerous but the fbi says the public can help. >> somebody out there knows these individuals as friends, neighbors, and we are counting on you to provide information to us. no bit of information, no matter how small or seemingly inconsequential is too small for us to see each piece moves us forward. >> these two suspects are out there. the hunt is now on to find them and bring them to justice. joining me now is michael isikoff from nbc news. >> good to be with you. >> you heard the fbi press conference.
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what is your reaction? what did we learn and what do you take away from it? >> well, we learned a lot and it was a pretty dramatic press conference. first and foremost, we have the pictures. we have video. the public can watch it on their own. these people have been clearly identified as suspects by the fbi. we did not know before this press conference how the fbi was going to categorize -- characterize these people, whether they were just persons of interests, potential witnesses. but mr. deslauriers clearly said suspects, armed and dangerous. we reported last night the photos of the individual with the white cap had been distributed to other law enforcement agencies. >> right. >> the purpose was to see if they had anything on this guy, if they had any information about who he is. the fact that they went public today, that they showed it to
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the public, is an indication that they most likely did not because we still do not have an identity of who these people are and that's a very big -- very big problem at this point for the bureau although they are going to recruit the fbi, recruit the public in trying to find these people. the fact that the suspects know that the fbi and the public are looking for them and that gives them an opportunity to change their appearance, to stay out of the public eye so how long search for these two suspects is an open question at this point. >> let me bring in a former special agent in charge of the fbi field office in houston. he managed the investigation of 1993 bombing of the world trade center. don, what is your reaction to what we heard at the press conference?
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i think he's -- >> can you hear me? >> yes, i can hear you. go ahead. >> they have been very good electronically with being able to get photographs of these people and identify who they are and what they've been doing and now what they've really got to do is see exactly who these people are and work with everybody that they can and all of the other law enforcement entities to see who are these people and where did they come from and work through that. >> michael, it was interesting to me when i heard how the agent -- special agent in charge described how they identified a suspect. let me play for you how they identified the first one and then the second one and your reaction to it.
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>> within the last day or so we carefully developed a person of interest. we obviously worked with extreme purpose to make that determination. the fbi developed a second suspect. today we are listing the public's help to identify the two suspects. >> so michael, basically he walked us through the steps that once they identified the first person of interest, then that led them to the second. >> reporter: right. and the video does appear them to be associated, working in tandem, at least that's the way the fbi used it. it does explain why we got these repeated requests over the last few days which we've reported on to the public to turn over cell phone videos, turn over whatever photos they had, even to the point where the other day they were stopping travelers asking
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them for cell phone videos that they had before they left the city. what we've been told is that it was that video camera from the lord & taylor department store that was instrumental in helping to identify these individuals. but clearly they are still looking for more. now that people know who the fbi is looking for, i think everybody who hasn't already turned over their cell phone videos to the fbi are going to be looking at them tonight and trying to see whether they've got these guys on their own cell phone videos that they might have taken that day. >> now don, michael tell us that the second floor video camera in the lord & taylor department store was vital. what does the fbi go through? phone logs? the tower for cell phones? what went on in the last 48
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hours? >> well, the fbi has to go through everything. you start at the scene and you start developing and talking to individuals that were there doing a lot of interviews and getting as much information as you can to really find out who, what, and where these people came from or where they might be and who they might be. so you really do have to do a defined investigation and gather information. the key thing is being able to identify some sources that you can gather information from. and we have a lot of them now. electronically has helped law enforcement significantly in the last few years because almost any building will have cameras. there's no doubt in my mind that the law enforcement -- when they went to that scene, the first thing, not the people on the street but the people on the
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stores, homes, whatever, because everybody's got a camera. >> let me ask you michael, the fbi clearly has to calculate that both of these gentlemen are at large and now know, unless they are in some isolated place and not watching a television, they know that they've been identified. what do they calculate is the possible range of reactions that they may make and how will that help them in their pursuit? >> he will wiwell, look, it's b days since the bombing and these guys have had an opportunity to flee the city, flee the region. and possibly the country. we don't know. this is likely to be a nationwide several, an international several for these guys and the fact that it's taken this long to identify them
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has given them a head start. now, that doesn't mean that there isn't a lot of evidence that the fbi can put together and track them down. the fbi has been going out to stores in the area that sell the kinds of parts that were -- bomb parts found in the debris on the scene, the battery pack, the pressure cooker, and they are trying to identify who bought those parts. now that they've got the video of one of the two suspects who they believe bought those parts, they can show that -- show those photos to the stores that sell them and it's very likely that at some point they will get a match and they will be able to match up the purchaser with and get a name, did they pay with a credit card, was there
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surveillance photos at the site where these much purchased at? that could help identify these people but the fact that they have had this four-day head start does make this a potentially international several at this point. >> let's bring in james cavanaugh, former atf special agent who led the investigations into the atlanta olympic bombings. james, you've department with these kind of cases. you heard michael isikoff saying they have a four-day jump on us. what would you be concerned about tonight if you were working this case and what would make you feel more emboldened if you worked this case? >> mike's right. you can count on the bombers watching the news conference. they are seeing this. and wherever they are, they are making a decision to fight or flight, barricade, try to get somewhere else to hide. look what's happened here. the second part of your question, how did this
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transpire? the white hat, mr. white hat -- >> all right. >> he's the guy on the lord & taylor video probably placing that bomb that's in the backpack where you see it covered with the white right next to the trash dbag that you've seen on "nightly news." so white hat is seen -- the fbi said we had him on video placing the device. he's placing the device. they don't have blue hat placing the device. so what they do -- >> but blue hat has a nap sack as well? >> blue hat has a nap sack. they walk back their video to as soon as they can and find anybody that white hat's talking to or interacting with. >> okay. >> every day at the bomb scene when we run these at the bomb scene and command post, we have the bomb team come in and brief
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the detectives and agents and saying we're finding remnants of a black backpack. it's got white markings on it. they are piecing it together and then they are sharing that with everybody that is running the video surveillance and they are going back and finding that white hat is talking to blue pack and he has a backpack that is similar to what is being picked up with bomb debris. remember, there's nothing else on the video. you can't see the pressure cooker. the only thing you can see is the backpack. so that's leakly, likely how they pieced that together and they know how they are acting in concert. >> so if you have white hat where you actually see him put being the backpack down, black hat, we don't actually see him doing that but we see them kind of working together. >> working together and from the
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blast scene at the finish line, the agents pick up and put back together painstakingly put back together the remnants. i guarantee they can put back that backpack to what it looks like. they are going, hey, this looks just like that backpack. and so that's how they are putting this together and they believe these guys are acting in concert. they probably have them on somebody's iphone or digital speaking somewhere on the sidewalk. so that's probably -- we don't know for sure but that's likely how they did it. >> what preparations do they make before they go public with the photos to move these guys into their hands? >> there's going to be false positives. there's going to be people saying this is my old brother-in-law and he's no good. there's going to be a lot of false starts on it.
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look, if you're a person on that video and you're not a bomber, you should be calling the fbi and saying, hey, i'm just a witness. you have the wrong guy. i wouldn't count on that happening. if that was the case, you should be calling yourself and you would be a witness. there's going to be false positives but all the people that get identified, one of those people is going to be -- two of those people is going to be white hat and dark hat and then it's going to transpire. the local police will get involved, state troopers, the police around the world, intelligence agencies. >> and it goes on and on. don clark, you were head of fbi field operations. tonight what are they bracing for? i'm sure they are banking many calls. what is the call that you'd be hoping to get? >> well, the call that you would be hoping to get is that some
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good, faithful law enforcement agent happened to pick up a person with this description, whether it's in a car chase or somebody running a stop sign or whatever the case may be. that would be the optimum, obviously, to have something of that nature. but, you know, that's pie in the sky, if you will. what the law enforcement has to do is to really take the steps as they can be and as the gentleman said before, number one, take a look at these people, look at the identifications, know what they are about and do as much as you can to find out about those individuals and that can maybe tie you into who they are, where they are, and where they may be -- where they came from and where they may be going. >> michael isikoff, don clark, james cavanaugh, thank you for your time tonight.
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>> thanks, reverend. >> you bet. ahead, much more on this extraordinary night. the search is on for two suspects in the boston bombing. the fbi releasing video of two suspects. what happens next? why could the suspects be tonight? we'll talk to an fbi special agent and an fbi profiler. stay with us. i'm telling you right now, the girl back at home would absolutely not have taken a zip line in the jungle. i'm really glad that girl stayed at home. vo: expedia helps 30 million travelers a month find what they're looking for. one traveler at a time. expedia. find yours. [ male announcer ] for a love that reaches further than words, there's iams. with 50% more animal protein than other leading brands... help keep his body as strong as his love. iams. keep love strong.
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we consider them to be armed and extremely dangerous. no one should approach them. no one should attempt to apprehend them except law enforcement. >> the fbi just moments ago warning that the two suspects they are looking for could and should be considered armed and dangerous. these photos and video are the biggest clues so far that have been made public. these are the images that could bring the bombers to justice. joining me now is former fbi profiler clint van zandt. thank you for being here. from what you've seen, what can you tell us? is there anything in their dress, their appearance, their hats, is there anything at all that you can tell us from what you've seen as a profiler? >> well, you know, we've got to start at day one, al, and we've got to start, what was the target. you know, this wasn't a federal
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building. it wasn't a gay bar. it wasn't a martin luther king march. it was america. it was the average black, white, asian, international -- the target was america. so you have to say, who would be targeting that type of event? and that's one of the things the profilers will look at. the question is, is he talking on the cell phone to someone else? if so, the fbi and other agencies will zero in on that person and that phone and have an idea who he was talking to at that time. >> or he could just be acting like he's talking on the phone. >> could be. could be. but if he used that phone any time in that photographic slot we have, we can get in on that phone and find out perhaps who
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he's talking to. what's more important, too, is somebody suggested, al, that we're two, three days behind. we are really not. i would suggest that the authorities have had the pictures for at least a day and probably developed the person themselves before they went public. that's just the way we do things. realize, they will take those pictures, match them up against surveillance cameras at bus stations, airports, cab stands, anything else to know how those guys got in and how those guys got out of the city and they have a lot more than we do. >> clint, we're showing a picture of what appears to be him on the cell phone. whether he's talking to someone or not, we don't know. but in the circle you can see him talking or at least having the cell phone to his ear. what does that tell us, if anything, clint? >> well, if in fact he's on the
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phone, there's a high likelihood he is talking to someone who may, who may have knowledge of what they are doing. it depends. now we know it's not our proverbial lone wolf. as you and i have talked the last couple of days, we said it would be easy for one, easier for two. we've got two, we understand how they could backpack the 20-pound devices in and out again. now if we can place them talking to somebody else and realize, now the authorities have had at least a day to try to isolate that phone call. we want to know everything about these guys. in fact, we'd like to have them in cuffs. short of that, by the time the fbi went public with those pictures today, they may know a lot about them, how they traveled, who they are talking to, and that net, that iron net is closing around these two guys faster than a school of fish out in the atlantic. >> let me ask you this, clint. the fact that he could possibly have been talking on the phone to someone else and you say who
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may or may not have been involved, is it possible there could be a third party? >> easily. easily. at least he's talking -- best case scenario is he is talking to somebody because we can find that somebody. all right? if he's got the phone up and he's faking it, we lose it. but if he's talking to anybody, his mom, sister, next door neighbor, his girlfriend, the fbi and other agencies are going to have this guy based upon that phone call. >> well, at the press conference a few minutes ago, the fbi said they are only looking for these two guys. that does not necessarily mean that's all they are looking for but that's what they are saying publicly? >> they are looking for anyone that can lead them to these guys they are sitting here looking at these pictures and that's why they are being shown all over
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the world because everybody who works at tsa at the airport who let people go through the last two or three days is going to look at those pictures and say, i saw those two guys and they were on a flight to atlanta, memphis, wherever it may be. that's what we need, al. we need the next step and the next step after that. where were they before the bombing? where did they go afterwards? but al, a picture is worth a million words right now. >> since you brought that up, let me bring in joe boise from a video intelligence company that specializes in facial recognition. joe, how will these photos help capture these guys? >> well, when you have the photos, al, these photos have some b some biometric.
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you have facial physics. these are characteristics for each human being like a finger print, for instance. it can nail down very quickly and a slew of images that you can get, videos, et cetera. and the fbi has been calling everyone in the vicinity of boston and the marathon area to send their video. the idea is that you can ingest all that video and it gives you, if you a i can look, a catalog of all of the faces that were there and then you can zoom in on the faces that resemble the closest that look like these individuals and from there you can identify and try an gu late the places that they are, what they did, were they with other people, et cetera. you can determine the pathway that they took. many people are sending videos across the places and then you
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can got where they were before, an hour before, an hour after and all of that information that is crucial to the investigation. >> clint is that one of the reasons why the fbi keeps requesting and asking of people, whatever photos, videos they have, if there's anything that they have at all that is helpful? >> exactly. because with this video you can ingest it and make a catalog of that thing. >> now clint, is there a way that the photos, even without identifying who they are, could highlight and set off an alert if in fact we get -- we can breakdown exactly these photos to their facial -- their true facial identity which you do? >> well, notwithstanding the other pictures that we're going to have of these two guys coming and going, al, realize for the last dozen years or so, every time as a foreign national you come into the united states, you take two pictures and
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fingerprints. there are 80 million photographs that the u.s. government has of international travels who -- travelers who come in and out. there will be every effort in the world being made to compare these two pictures with the photographs of these 80 million different travelers to see if this is an international person who may have left the country. >> because we don't know looking at the photos what their ethnic or nationality could be? >> not at all. and you know al, that's a good point, too. the fbi was very careful not to suggest other than males, not to suggest any ethnicity or nationality. number one, it would be wrong to do it unless we knew. number two, you don't want to put the idea in the public, well, he looks like a pakistani or he looks like a typical white guy. we don't want to do that. we want everybody to look at that and say, here's just two
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adult males. do you know them? no other information to confuse the case. >> clint, hold on a minute. let me take a break. we'll be right back. are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers. governor of getting it done. you know how to dance... with a deadline. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price.
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back with me now is former fbi profiler clint van zandt. clint, what's going on in the minds of these two guys right now? nour you're a profiler? are they feeling the pressure? wherever they are, what is going on in their minds? >> realize, al, this is was a carefully planned event. they built the devices, they
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knew where they were going to put them, they knew how they were going to carry them, come in, come out again but they never, ever planned on this level of technology. they couldn't understand. nobody can, this level of technology that can be employed to identify two people out of a million and say, these are the two we're looking for. so they heard yesterday, al, that there were pictures out but new york posts or some other newspapers ran pictures that may not have been these guys, may have been somebody else. so then you've got this ambivolence. okay, they've got pictures of us but the pictures we're seeing are the wrong guys. so we can relax. we've got the right guys. >> let me hold you right there. i want to show you the sound bite of how that was dressed today. >> for clarity, these images should be the only ones, and i emphasize the only ones that the public should view to assist us.
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other photos should not be deemed critical and they are averting the public in the wrong direction. >> so these are the only photos -- any other photos only make it more difficult and not credible. now, so if you're one of the two guys, you're the profiler, i want you to help walk you through this. and the wrong photos were on the newspapers, you're relieved but now all of a sudden the correct photos are out. now what am i thinking? >> now if i know the real photos are out, i've got to make a decision and all of a sudden all my careful planning has come crashing down on top of me because there is basically my mug shot on international television. so now they've got to make a decision. if they hunker down in place in the boston area some place, do they stay in place and wait for the boston pd to kick in the
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door and take them away or do they run, draw attention to themselves? if they haven't got out by town by now, it's too late for public transportation. the only way they can do it is by private vehicle. if they don't have their own car, they've got to represent a a war. if these guys are hunkerred in place right now, they are in real trouble because they know they have nowhere to run to and pretty soon nowhere to hide. tremendous sense of ambivolence. they may start to argue between themselves. one says stay, one says get out of here. if there's anybody else involved, they are going to call them to look for suggestions, to look for help. the fcbi is going to be looking to see who else may have provided inspiration or support. we've got them in a good place right now, al. no matter what they do, they will contribute to the investigation that will lead to
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their arrest and their prosecution. >> and they may not even be together. >> might not even be together. those are all the things that you have to look at. they could have separated right at that point and left again. it depends as careful as their planning was before, was their planning -- does the planning have the same level of carefulness afterwards? many times we find guys -- bad guys leak this, bombers, killers, they put all of their money up front in what they are doing but their after-action plans leave a lot to be desired. and that's what we're hoping and that's what the fbi is betting on. they either have a bad escape plan or now we've totally confronted their escape plans and we're going to get on the trail of one if not both of these guys. >> clint van zandt, thanks very much for your time tonight. much more breaking news tonight. the fbi releasing pictures and
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right now the entire city of boston is looking at these photos and video. the suspects of the marathon bombings. the great people of that city are checking their phones, checking their e-mail, wondering who these guys are and when they will be caught. joining me now is kevin cullen. kevin, thank you for being here tonight. >> hi, al. >> what is your reaction to the video released of the suspects? >> well, al, being the resourceful reporter that i am, if you look over my shoulder there is a bar called the oak
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room. it's one of the finest rooms in boston. i very seldom drink there because the martinis are 18 bucks. i watched it with ordinary bostonians and i've got to tell you the reaction was incredibly restrained. everybody was staring at it and i was thinking, do i know these dudes? i've never seen them before. >> the reaction in the bar was what? when you say restrained, explain to me -- >> the restrain in the sense that nobody -- there were curses, get these you know whats. people were looking at them. do i know them? an older african-american woman turned to me and said, i wonder what their mothers and their fathers think. >> hmm. >> i was talking to our mutual buddy lawrence o'donnell last night. >> right. >> and we talked about the
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emphasis on the suspects. everyone in in town knew this day would come. we know they are going to be caught. if may not be these guys. someone is going to be caught. someone is going to appear in urt cou court. but we need to bury the dead, take care of our first responders. that's where people's priorities are. this is number four priority and we know it's going to get -- somebody is going to take care of the business. that's just the way it is. but right now everybody is looking at these guys saying, do i know them? does somebody i know know them? and another woman -- i was talking to another woman from puerto rico, the country part of puerto rico, and she told me, you know, their families will give them up, which i thought was an interesting thing. because the way she said it, my family would give me up. so their images are out there. i talked to a state copy know
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like 20 minutes before i came over here. >> right. >> he said if they are still around here, they are dumber than we thought. but he was pretty confident that with those images out there and i think one of your previous guests said, there are six million sets of eyes in this country looking for these guys, let alone people all over the world. they will find these guys. no doubt. >> you're one of the best reporters and columnists up that way. >> come on, al. come on, al. >> you are. what are your sources in law enforcement telling you? are they confident? what are they saying? >> like i said, they released the pictures and i talked to a state police office who i know is involved in the investigation on a wider scale. he's part of a broader task force to find these guys. he was very confident. he said the images are very clear. they are not blurry. if you know these guys and you see these pictures, you're going to know them. so somebody is going to call on these guys. like i said, is it a rival?
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is it a friend? is it a relative? somebody is going to recognize these guys. >> you said that the priority in boston is burying our dead, our first responders and that's the way our bostonians are. tell us about how the healing is beginning and the memorial service i'm sure today was part of that. >> i think it helped. i think the president coming here helped. it's really the first time -- and you would appreciate this, al. you're a rchl eev. it's the first time we had any faith-based acknowledgement of what happened on monday. in this town, faith means a lot. whether you're talking about me and 60% of the rest of the people around here who are catholic or whether you're talking to some of our great african-american ministers right down the street in the south end. this is important.
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>> that's right. >> and it was important that the president came here and it's important to recognize that part of the equation and we needed it and there will be more of that. and there's a mix of faith-based and secular remembrances and that's part of the process. i think people here are prepared for it. i tell you every day, al, it strikes me that people -- that the sadness is there but every day we get a little more resolved about where we need to go with this. but we're very focused, very locked in, and we know what we have to do and we have total confidence in law enforcement. they will find these people and deal with them in a court of law. no street justice. we don't want that. >> kevin cullen, thank you for your time this evening. >> thanks. more on the manhunt live from boston. stay with us. girl vo: i'm pretty conservative.
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today the president thanked the volunteers who risked their own lives to save others. volunteers like the soldiers who ran straight into the blast, ignoring their own safety to
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rescue other people. before sunrise monday morning, first lieutenant steven fiola and a crew of 15 of his fellow massachusetts national guard soldiers set out to walk the 26.2 miles of the boston marathon course together, to honor their fallen comrades, decked out in fatigues, carrying 40 pounds of gear on their backs, the soldiers set out on their eight-hour march to the finish line. but just moments after reaching the end of the race, the blast went off. instead of running away, lieutenant fiola and fellow soldiers ran into the chaos, pulling down fences, clearing debris, and saving victims' lives. it speaks of heroism like these in the darkest of moments that have inspired people from around the world. joining me now are those heroes.
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first lieutenant fiola, first sergeant and staff sergeant mark welch, thank you very much for coming on the show tonight. >> my pleasure. >> lieutenant fiola, we want to get your story but i want to know your reaction first to the video of suspects being released tonight. >> absolutely, sir. our reaction is probably about the same as everyone else in the court, which is there's a little bit of excitement and almost a bit of comfort the fact that the technology is working so fantastic for us now that we noted the federal bureau of investigation has confidence that these two suspects are the ones that we need to find. it allows us to plaster their faces all over the internet, social media, and do everything we can to try to find them. >> now, let's go back to this day on monday at the marathon.
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what happened when the blast went off? >> well, just a couple minutes before, one of our soldiers just completed the running of the full 26.2 miles. myself and others were over by the finish line when the first blast went off and it's the point where all thought gets put aside and our reaction takes over. >> so you hear the blast and the reaction takes over and what does the reaction cause you to do? you go actually to where you see there were people harmed? tell me what happened. >> when the blast went off for a brief fraction of a second, it was a shock trying to figure out what was going on. where we were, we were right by the finish line. so when we turned to see the
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blast, literally just a fraction of a second after it happened, what we did at that moment was i turned to seld ders thsoldiers were by the finish line. we made sure that they stayed there and did not move. at that time, myself and sergeant welch ran towards the scene of what was ultimately site number one. right across the pleechers able the media bridge. at that time, sergeant welch moved towards the bleachers and started helping people in the bleachers and then myself and first sergeant madore went to the barricade and started tearing down that barricade. >> staff sergeant welch, when you went to the bleachers, what did you see and what were you doing? >> it was complete chaos. i mean, people didn't know where to go.
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there was only one way into that place and people were going the wrong way. so i looked at lieutenant fiola and said i was going to stay there. that was the order that i was given and i funneled others to where the other soldiers were standing by. once i noticed that 90% clear, i jumped over the wall and headed over and started tearing down the rest of the fence. >> first sergeant madore, did it ever occur to you as you were moving around that it was possible that another bomb could go off? >> yes, sir. as we were going in, we heard the second explosion go off. i immediately looked up and tried to assess the situation but then you have to get those people already injured out of the area so they don't get injured anymore. we tried to get them out. >> so you never worried about a third or fourth bomb going. you were focused on -- >> yes, sir. pretty much focused.
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worried about it but there's no time to think in that situation. >> is that how you're trained? >> yes, sir. i know that in the background, soldiers were escorting out of the area back there. >> well, thank you so much. first lieutenant steven fiola, first sergeant madore and staff sergeant welch, thank you for coming on the show tonight. >> thank you. the president's uplifting message on how this tragedy brought out the best in humanity. that's next. aw this is tragic man, investors just like you
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boston will rise and run again. >> our prayers are with the injured. so many wounded. some gravely. from their beds, some are surely watching us gather here today and if you are, know this, as you begin this long journey of recovery, your city is with you, your commonwealth is with you. your country is with you. we will all be with you as you learn to stand, walk, run again. i have no doubt that you will run again. you will run again. >> the test of life comes by not having crisis and notav


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